Friday, July 27, 2018

The full moon blues.

Pantry is bare.
Gas tank is on empty.
My power bill came in yesterday and that's all that needs to be said about that.
Daycare isn't paying for itself.
Lawyer is still on the back burner.
Lou is almost out of diapers.
Laundry is piling up.
Sanity is in the shitter.
The house is a FEMA certified disaster.
Boyfriend won't come "home" for another week... but the kids will be home so I can't be selfish and keep him all to myself for 36 hours.
My mama is going out of town for the next week so I can't run the kids off to her house if they get cabin fever.

It's a week before school starts. It's a blood moon. A full moon. A WEEK BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS.

Let us pray.

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