Thursday, June 18, 2020

Exfoliating old wounds.

Thank you for the Father's Day gift. It is very beautiful and so very needed right now. Thank you.
You're welcome. I felt weird making it for you (a collage picture of him with the kids), but I know that at least for me it was important knowing that some part of you did exist during those years. I could not imagine walking away and not having any physical evidence.
I have tried so very hard to find him so I don't destroy something beautiful for a second time. That's probably too little too late. But for what it's worth, I am sorry. I am sorry for the monster I became. I am sorry for the way I treated you and the children. Y'all deserve better than that.
I can't be crying at work.
Don't apologize, whatever... just help me fix what that part of you broke in our kids

I have been an emotional wreck this morning. Their father? He's human. He was also (is also still?) rooted deep inside my heart because of our three smallish humans. Or maybe I care because he's simply HUMAN and hating him or ignoring whatever pain he's going through would be INhuman. 
The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:40
Lord knows everything is temporary, EVERYTHING. The happiness you have today can be gone tomorrow and vice versa. You could wake up one morning as I did a little over 3 years ago and discover that everything you thought you knew was a lie. Everything is temporary. Except for God's love and mercy, and who am I to judge another human? Who am I to treat someone as if they're beneath me, even when I feel most days they are my enemy? Did I not create three beautiful children with this person? Did I not vow so many years ago to love them through sickness and health till death do we part? Regardless of vows broken, I still grieve the spouse I believed I had.

However, I know my limits... and I know that if I start opening my heart to my fellow human as a friend instead of my hand to lift them up, I will fall back into that hole of despair myself. I'm worth more than that, as are they. So I voiced my concern and reminded him that he's survived 100% of every other downward spiral he's plummeted into, that we've both survived him. And because our track record looks so good?

We can and will do it again, just not together.