Thursday, August 9, 2018

Marriage Material

What is a marriage made out of?

Is it two people passionately in love? Is it a bond formed over similar interests? Is it something settled upon because at night you fit like puzzle pieces?

Is it a fabric of sorts that despite holes and tears, discoloration or stains, still manages to withstand the tests of time to shelter those beneath it from the elements?

What makes GOOD marriage material?

I'm not thinking about marriage for myself... much. There's too much in my life at this very moment that all planets and stars and galaxies and eyes would have to cross JUST RIGHT for that process to even fall into place and become a thought worth entertaining. But it IS entertaining to play with that thought, tossing it back and forth between us and letting it lay wherever it lands; leaving hearts a flutter and last thoughts of the nights filled with puffy creamy dreamy pink princess daydreams like cotton candy colored clouds during a psychedelic sunset.

First step would be to live in the same city, same region of the same state even... where job descriptions don't change too much and following one's dreams doesn't mean standing in the middle of a spaghetti junction filled with dreams and knowing you can only choose one.

Responsibilities would have to be stacked and managed. Three little people would need to be prepared beforehand as they are the most important part of this package deal. I'd want them to be asked if he could have their mom's hand and if he could hold their hand also into adulthood. I want that for them. I want them to have someone structured and stable. I want them to have a good role model, not just on what it means to love and how to love, but someone who they could turn to for good moral advice and to talk to when they're too scared to ask their mama (because mama might have a stroke or call a priest.)

I do have my "Princess Moments" where I Pinterest and double tap on Instagram... when I get googly eyed over sparkly things... and dream of days where the Princess meets her Prince at the end of that aisle and they live happily (and realistically) ever after.

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