Friday, February 3, 2012

Yoga! Yoga! Yoga!

I've got this secret plan bouncing around in my head along with of course this whole Mischievous Travels nonsense, but I'm afraid to really talk about it because my plate is spilling over with blog ideas and just LIFE ideas you guys. Life is thisclose to the "overwhelming" limit I've set for myself. I can see off in the distance where I just might have taken too much on, but from where I'm at now all I can hear is me telling myself to plow through head first and don't look back. I'm trying to let the insane "me" block out the totally logical "me." There's just SO MUCH TO DO! Like YOGA!

I've been doing so well with keeping up with even just a few minutes of yoga each day, that today I allowed myself to finally nab some new yoga pants. Kohl's cash in hand, I got some sassy new yoga LEGGINGS. You guys. Fat girls don't wear leggings. I was doing downward dog in the dressing room just to, you know, be sure that this is really happening. Tonight, for the first time since HIGH SCHOOL, I purchased a pair of pants that did not involve any "X's" in it's size. I had to have them and I'm never ever ever taking them off. Ok, well... maybe for laundry day. Let's just say I scored a deal on these bad boys:


Maybe one day I'll even let you see me WEARING THEM. And no, I'm not definitely hinting at anything. AT ALL. Because I'm not making promises I can't keep anymore. I gots priorities, y'all. Mama's coming FIRST for a change. Or at least, my mental health is coming first for a change. Tonight's class (provided free from Yoga Today's Youtube channel) was all about improving alignment, and WHOO... it did that. My hamstrings are singing opera right now. If you've never done yoga before, Neesha is really great at talking you through so you can visualize exactly what adjustments you need to make inside a pose. Even if you can't see the screen from the position you're in. I highly recommend all of her classes! You can attempt this class for yourself below:

So now that it's near midnight and I'm starving to death, I can totally justify shoving my face in a bag of cracker "crisps" right?!? My stomach is speaking to me. Something must be done. Now if only I could solve the problem of waking up starving tomorrow.


  1. Those are way cute! I'm headed for a weeklong yoga retreat in a couple of weeks in Costa Rica - wahoo!! And I might need some new yoga duds to go with that trip. Methinks there's a trip to Kohl's in my future.

  2. OOOOH GIRL! They have tons of cute yoga clothes at my store. I've been to Costa Rica! AND of COURSE it's in queue to be written about!!! :) Take loads of pictures, it's gooooorgeous! Also super jealous about a yoga retreat? SERIOUSLY? Take me with you!

  3. Those leggings are super cute and I am positive you look DARLING in them! Did you get the skirt too? I wish my hammies could sing opera. That'st eh coolest thing I've heard all morning.

    Gobble up your beautiful life and don't look back!!! I adore your energy right now! xoxo

    1. The skirt is TOTALLY attached! That was the selling point for me. :) Oh girl, they were SCREAMING Opera! Lillie just drag the mats out, so it looks like I'm about to go stretch them out... AGAIN.

  4. Thanks for posting that video! It looks really great. And congrats on the way cute yoga leggings!

    1. it's pretty intense on the legs! Like I said, my hammy's were SINGIN!

  5. Two things:

    Hooray for yoga, yoga leggings and YOU of course.

    And, I'm totally checking out that yoga workout. Yoga is my favorite way to exercise.

    1. D'awwwww! I love ALL of Yoga Today's classes. They offer a new workout free every week on their website, but they have some archived classes on that are way awesome as well. I heart yoga!

  6. Love yoga and your new pants/leggings. Yoga is hard work! Congrats on the size.

    When you get to be the age I am, my friends and I decided, you have to always be a little hungry to lose weight. I h-a-t-e going to bed hungry but I do it. In the morning I'm surprised I hadn't eaten my arm over night.

    Will take a look at the video.

    1. LOL, if I eat right before bed, I wake up RAVENOUS. Hence the reason I couldn't indulge even though I wanted to so SO bad! The Yoga Today people are awesome. Yoga is only hard until your muscles retain the memory of the stretches. And then the REAL fun begins! Even fat girls (like my former self) can be flexible!!! :)
