Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I have clearly lost my mind.

Y'all... I have been busy today. You have no idea what I've got up my sleeve! Last weekend I got a wild hair up my heiney and decided that this is for real. No more waiting. No more watching others do what I've been wanting to do. The time is NOW, people! I had a Scentsy open house (Mama loves her some Scentsy) and made some fancy ass cupcakes. We're talking pink lemonade cupcakes and cotton candy frosted yellow cake cupcakes BAKED IN AN ICE CREAM CONE. That right there was fabulous. FABULOUS. See exhibit A:

Pink lemonade on the vintage cake stand I found in the storage area in the basement and the fancy melty looking "soft serve" cones are the cotton candy frosted yellow cake. That was a learning experience... I've learned, now let's move on, shall we?

Today I experimented with my famous brownies and added cookie dough to them. Y'all... you're gonna want to slap your Mama once I get these bad boys frosted with some chocolate marshmallow frosting. Exhibit B:

Seriously. I hope your Mama lives out of state.

Tonight I'll be finishing up my red velvets and sealing them all up (unfrosted) and tossing them in the freezer till Thursday. Why? Because I'm not only going to debut Scentsy's brand new scent of the month with samples on hand, but I will also have cupcakes... FOR SALE. $1.50 each or $2/2. Trust me, I cut you a fantastic deal. So if you live south of I-20, shoot me a message! I'll tell you where to bring your sweet tooth, just leave Mama at home, ok? I don't want to be charged with having a hand in any sort of domestic dispute over my tasty goods. ((We can chat about discounts on larger quantities. I'll have over 100 sweet and tasty products to wrap your sticky little fingers around... as well as to share if you learned ANYTHING from your parents!))

How's this for marketing the new Scentsy product on the side? I will have this out on the table next to the cupcakes, Exhibit C:

Used to be Lillie's but now it's mine all mine seeing as how she's smitten with the new Tiara warmer. I can't imagine why.

So this is pretty much what I've been up to all day. The Husband and I have been scheming up a website, and I'm finally taking my Dad's advice and selling my baked goods under the name "Pumped Up Cakes." Think last Summer/Fall's #1 musical hit. Don't know what I'm talking about? This is for "M."

Oh, and by the way... you should check out my goodz on this blog right here.


  1. Replies
    1. Kind of... KIND OF... Idle hands/mind lead to panic. LET'S NOT PANIC, SHALL WE?!! Plus, isn't making cupcakes in mass quantities the first thing you're SUPPOSED to do when you lose 40 pounds? Totally logical. ;)

  2. Cupcakes! I loves a good cupcake! And so proud of you for finding something you WANT to do. We shan't panic about cupcakes (as they are only for happiness and rainbows and getting sticky fingers).

    1. No panic over cupcakes!!! Except for "What kind do I make next??" I have one more batch to make. I have everything for Devil's Food with a Mocha frosting... but then I could totally make Nutella frosting... or peanut butter... THE CHOICES ARE ENDLESS!!!

  3. Wish I was close enough to come get some!!

    1. I'm going to attempt to make them shippable. It CAN be done! I saw it on Pinterest, therefore it must be true!

  4. Those things look AWESOME...I think I fainted for a second when I saw those brownie ones with the cookie dough. Seriously...how much better does it get than THAT?

    Good luck with the cupcake biz. :)

    1. The brownie ones are GONE!!! I was seriously surprised to have so many "mocha" cupcakes leftover. ((Think devils food with latte marshmallow filling and mocha frosting... all with REAL coffee... OMG.)) Trying super hard to ignore the fact that the remaining cupcakes are not but three feet away from me right this minute. No control whatsoever.
