Monday, March 26, 2012

(2) Songs.

Our Song.

Song that reminds me of my Grandparents and reduces me to goosebumps and sobs EVERY SINGLE TIME. They were very much in love, but my Grandfather had a way of being so stubborn with her that it held her back from a lot of her dreams. One of which was getting to fly in a helicopter. When they had to "life flight" her from our local hospital to a more specialized one in Atlanta right before she passed away, she spent the entire flight lucid and aware of getting that one wish. REGARDLESS of the reason why she was on that helicopter, she was so happy. Anyways, every time I hear this song now that she's passed and knowing what I know now through deep conversations with my Grandfather, I feel this song was meant for them, for their story. And it breaks my heart as much as it gives me joy to sing it (badly) every time I hear it.

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