Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Oh, if only...

If I took a few minutes out of each day to allow my Daughter to teach me for a change, I would probably learn quite a few life lessons from her. Lillie would teach me how to stretch and flex my brain into being more creative. She would show me how to push past boundaries of logical thought into her version of the acceptable illogical thoughts where large plastic hippopotamuses are babies who turn into Daddy hippopotamuses that get hungry and eat their young and their wives, but "lookit, he's PWECIOUS!"

If I learned anything from her, glitter would be like oxygen, cats would be turquoise with orange ears, and glue is a gift from the Gods. Boundaries would be pushed, exceeded and laws would be re-written "just because." I would nap wherever I pleased and have everyone who is at least twice my height carry me when my legs got tired. And if I weren't already instilling this life lesson into her like her life depended on it, she would teach me from the depths of her soul, that going to sleep every night knowing you are the center of someone's universe is the most comforting and reassuring feeling of all. Then, after she taught me that lesson she would teach me "the perfect cry" that would have all adults falling over themselves to check on me at 2 in the morning.

My Daughter would teach me that there's always time to read and how bathtubs are perfect boats/oceans/spaceships. She would teach me how to love unconditionally, but also to not put up with anyone's crap. She would teach me to kiss my loved ones and give big squeezes without hesitation. She would show me now to sing like everyone's looking, dance like your life depends on it, and love without boundaries.

She would also teach me that there is NO excuse for not painting naked.



  1. Stopping by from Mama Kat's! I LOVE your blog design (the banner is making me drool a little bit) and I LOVE LOVE this post. I get pretty wrapped up in the very important business of being a grown up. We would all be a little better off if we lived as simply and happily as our kids!


  2. Thanks, lady!!! The banner was a composite of several different ideas I found through and Don't quote me on the links, I'm still only half awake. :) Thanks for the love!!! I agree that we should try and attempt to live as simply and happily as our kids. :) I'll be stopping by all the Blogger's prompts once I have some more "me" time! Look forward to seeing yours!

  3. Good lessons to learn! And I'm totally with you on the painting naked thing - I make my kids strip down before the paints come out. :)

  4. "She would show me now to sing like everyone's looking, dance like your life depends on it, and love without boundaries." I love this! Our girls would get along famously (painting naked is a regular pastime around here!)

  5. Love it! We do naked eating at my house!

  6. Oh Mama, we have days where that is a given. Like for popsicles... soup... or spaghetti... doesn't matter how much "Shout!" or "Tide Stain Release Packs" I put in the washer, NOTHING gets those stains out! Thanks for stopping by. :) Hope to see you here again soon!

  7. oh, that is just so cute... and painting naked - is there a better way? ;)

  8. I guess it's easier to paint when you're no longer oppressed with clothing?

  9. I loved this! Especially the paint naked part. Hysterical!
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love your style of writing- this post had me laughing.

  10. Thanks lady! There's always SOME form of hysteria/hysterics/WHATEVER going on over here. There's always room for you should you want to sit in and stay a while. :) I'll be back by your blog. You ARE writing a prompt this week, right???
