Saturday, July 9, 2011

Happy Birthday to You...

Happy Birthday to You...

Happy Birthday to You...

Happy Birthday my Baby Boy...

Happy Birthday to You...

And many more...

It is amazing to look back at these pictures and see such a change in you. From a bewildered newborn, to a toddler yearning to break free and run without ANY help (thank you VERY MUCH), to a 2 year old stuck somewhere between being a baby and being a BIG BOY, to a 3 and 4 year old who is bigger than his britches allow. It's hard to be your Mommy because I didn't know I could BE a Mommy to a little boy. I didn't feel equipped to nurture an infant into a man, and to be honest, sometimes I still don't. If I really want to panic, I just think that you're quarter of the way to car keys... and you already like to go fast. Again, PANIC.

You've grown so much in the past year and we are swelling with pride at all you can do because you are so passionate and impatient about learning how to do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING. Sometimes it's too much for us because you are so persistent. You know what you want and you want it NOW. You've always been this way and it's ok, because you're YOU. One thing I am certain of is that even after scraped knees and temper tantrums, you pick yourself up and ask for help when it gets too hard. That alone, shows me that I'm doing something right. Sometimes it takes a few scraped knees for Mommy to ask for help too. You are amazing with your Sister, who half the time wants nothing to do with you, and while it breaks your heart at times you still try... unless one of you breaks out your claws. Unfortunately, that whole sibling thing never goes away. She's always going to be your baby Sister and she is always going to expect you to play the part of the "Knight in Shining Armor" when you play dress up with her. You don't realize it yet, but this past year marks a point in your life where she's been more a part of your life than not. You probably don't even remember life without her.

I love you, sweetest boy. I hope you know that even if I end up doing everything else wrong, I will always love you with all of my heart.

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